While operating nights with associate EMS crew, you arrive on the scene to search out a twenty-four-year-old male United Nations agency was thrown from his vehicle at road speeds. You estimate that there were 1500 MLS of blood loss visible on the road, with active hemorrhage from his left thighbone and abdominal guarding. when applying a C-spine collar, a pressure dressing, and moving him into the rear of the automobile, you begin associate eighteen gauge IV in his right forearm and freeze; you think that to yourself, “Should I place associate IV extension set or connect the IV line directly?”
Would your response amendment if it had been an associate old woman being transported from an institution for inflated confusion?

The Science
Needleless IV tube and extension sets were introduced within the early Nineteen Nineties to combat geographic point needlestick injuries and leaky ports.1 many varieties were created and marketed by makers, although ultimately all of them give a non-sharp affiliation to feature lines to associate IV. However, the additional safety for medical workers had causeless consequences on the practicality of the tube. Thinking back to grade, we tend to might recall Poiseuille’s Law, that states: the flow of a fluid through a tube is directly proportional to the fourth power of the radius of the tube, directly proportional to the pressure being applied, and reciprocally proportional to the length of the tube.
In English, this implies the shorter and fatter the tube, and better the pressure, the quicker a liquid will be pushed through it; or just place, “short and thick will the trick”. However, this solely applies to streamline flow (perfect flow). If this were the case with IV tube, we’d expect to add 5 to seven inches of an associate extension set to seventy to a hundred inches of IV tube to possess a tiny low result on the rate. sadly, IV tube is something however good, and therefore the instrumentality points produce areas of non-laminar flow, inflicting a bigger decrease within the rate of the tube. The IV instrumentality employed in my health region use a Luer lock ‘negative pressure’ system and make a district of flow through the connector, although different systems together with Luer lock ‘positive pressure’ systems and blunt cannula/split septum systems that additionally cause a district of flow.
Multiple studies had looked into the flow rates of IV Infusion Set , together with Lehn et al. in 2015 United Nations agency found that adding the Needleless IV extension to a fourteen gauge IV reduced the speed of result 600 mils traditional saline/minute to.
If they decrease flow such a lot, why will we use extension sets?
IV extension sets are most popular in patients WHO don’t need volume revitalization as they supply several advantages. First, they supply alittle, simply managed tube which will be saline-locked and maintained to shield the IV from detachment or going opening once ever-changing lines or administering intermittent IV medications. They conjointly increase safety for hospital employees and patients as patients are less probably to lose IVs and want them replaced (reducing needlesticks for patients and staff). Finally, needleless extension sets embrace flowing valves that stop blood from unseaworthy out once ever-changing lines. Effectively, they improve line safety and sturdiness at the expense of rate.

Back to the cases
The 24-year previous male trauma patient is probably going attending to need an outsized revitalization and doubtless the initiation of the large insertion protocol. He would get pleasure from having his line connected on to the IV while not a Needleless IV extension set as a result of the speed of flow and volume revitalization may be a priority. The classic mantra of “2 giant bore IVs within the AC fossae” ought to be followed and swollen to “with lines connected on to the IV.” As a facet note, if giant bore isn’t doable, a 20G IV is that the smallest size which will be reborn to a fast infusion tubing (RIC) line once in hospital employing a guide wire.
Conversely, the confused woman being transported from the rest home would probably get pleasure from having an IV started with the Needleless IV extension set as volume revitalization is unlikely to be a priority, and maintaining a useful IV are additional necessary.
The Bottom Line
Most patients being transported to the impotency ought to have a Needleless IV extension set connected to the IV tubing so as to assist shield the IV, and create ever-changing of lines / intermittent IV medication easier and safer to supply. Unstable trauma patients or patients requiring giant volume revitalization or huge transfusion protocol ought to have their IV line connected on to the IV tubing so as to supply volume at the quickest rate doable.